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Welcome to the rice-lb-extensions Project, we hope you enjoy your time on this project site. We've tried to assemble some great user documentation and developer information, and we're really excited that you've taken the time to visit this site.

What is rice-lb-extensions

Liquibase extensions proprietary to Kuali Rice software. These are mostly custom refactorings that apply to the Kuali Rice platform. Here's an example of what we're talking about:

<customChange class="org.liquibase.change.ext.CreateResponsiblityAttribute">
    <param name="value"          value="TA" />
    <param name="attributeDef"   value="documentTypeName" />
    <param name="responsibility" value="Review" />
    <param name="namespace"      value="KFS-TEM" />
    <param name="type"           value="Document Type, Routing Node & Action Information" />

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